European grant

In addition to national and regional grant options, there are numerous opportunities for development, collaboration, and investments abroad. The grant schemes have an enormous scope and offer support ranging from fundamental (scientific) research to eventual market introduction.
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An international focus can open up a world of possibilities: not only grants, but also knowledge and networks are within reach.

In addition to national and regional grant options, there are numerous opportunities for development, collaboration, and investments abroad. The subsidy schemes have an enormous scope and offer support ranging from fundamental (scientific) research to eventual market introduction. For example, the European Commission has established an ambitious program called “Horizon Europe” for EU subsidies, which encompasses a wide range of grant schemes aimed at fostering research and innovation.

Identifying opportunities, preparing an application, and effectively managing awarded funding can be complex and time-consuming processes, presenting challenges at various stages. Developing a compelling application at the European level requires specialized knowledge and excellent writing skills. In European grant schemes, there is indeed more competition from other organizations submitting grant applications.

European grant programs are complex but highly valuable. We are ready to help both commercial and public customers in drafting grant applications and conducting project management within projects for which grants have been granted.

You don’t have to tackle these complex processes alone. With our expertise and experience, we can help guide you through the world of European grants. Together, we can ensure that your international ambitions become a reality and that you make the most of the available grant opportunities.

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Our highly trained consultants have extensive multidisciplinary expertise with in-depth knowledge within virtually every sector, so we can offer you full-service services in many areas.

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