Life Sciences & Health

In the Life Sciences & Health sector, the focus is on improving health and well-being through innovations in various areas. From pharmaceuticals and biotechnology to diagnostics, medical technology, and telemedicine. At Ignite Group, we support companies, universities, healthcare institutions, and public organizations in realizing innovative projects.
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We believe that grants play a crucial role in addressing significant societal and scientific challenges, such as the aging population, declining healthcare costs related to chronic diseases, and supporting international public-private collaborations.

Ignite Group possesses in-depth knowledge of relevant regional, national, and European grant schemes. Our consultants, with backgrounds ranging from MSc to PhD in various disciplines, are intrinsically motivated to contribute to innovative projects that make a difference.

We are convinced that combining comprehensive knowledge of grants with deep, domain-specific expertise is a key factor in achieving optimal results for our customers. That is why, we work in teams specialized in specific domains and employ consultants with specific educational and professional backgrounds to ensure that the right expertise can be applied to the right grant application.

By applying our professional, domain-specific knowledge and thorough expertise in subsidy applications, we aim to contribute to the implementation of innovative projects that have a significant impact on society and help solve important societal and scientific issues.

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Our highly trained consultants have extensive multidisciplinary expertise with in-depth knowledge within virtually every sector, so we can offer you full-service services in many areas.

Customer stories

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