Ignite Group appointed by German Ministry as network management organization

Home » Nachricht » Ignite Group appointed by German Ministry as network management organization
10 Mai 2016

Ignite Group will take over the managing tasks for the ZIM network PerzPektive.

Approval by german technology and innovation grant programme ZIM

With its approval by the central innovation program middle tier (ZIM, Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand), the network can begin their R&D activity. PerzPektive is made up of 7 SME as well as 5 research institutions. Goal of PerzPektive is to develop technical solutions for people with limitations in perception, notion and communication. One focus lays especially on the development of such a solution for people with impairments of their perception and to offer them a perspective, hence the name.

The focus of the development does not lie on the solution itself, but on its usability. These shall be adjustable according to the distinct needs of the target groups. The project is conducted within AAL (ambient assisted living) and is open for further project partners.

Ignite Group is network management organization

Ignite Group – DR. RUPP CONSULTING GmbH supports the network by taking over the managing tasks for the network. The network manager, Ignite Group, takes over the communication tasks between the network partners and for the network towards third parties. Additionally, Ignite Group will submit all the applications and will also support the network with management tasks during the final stage of the project.

In case you are interested in participating in this network or you wish to create your own network, please don’t hesitate and contact us.