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PXIO receives approval for SME instrument Horizon 2020 project

Home » Nachricht » PXIO receives approval for SME instrument Horizon 2020 project
15 Mai 2019

The Saarbrücken-based company PXIO has received project approval from the EU funding program KMU Instrument Horizon 2020.

Horizon 2020 is the largest research and innovation research programme at European level. Within the framework of this programme, there are various instruments to meet the needs of different applicants. The company PXIO was successful in the SME instrument. It was able to convince with its innovative product idea of a software infrastructure that allows the dynamic transport of pixels from any source to any display. During the application for KMU Instrument Horizon 2020, PXIO was selected by Ignite Group.

Objectives of the EU funding programme SME Instrument Horizon 2020

The aim of the EU SME support programme SME Instrument Horizon 2020 is to create an innovation-promoting environment within the European Union without discriminating against certain types of companies or sectors. The SME Instrument (SME instrument) supports innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are characterised by growth and development and also aim at internationalisation. It is also the intention of the programme to promote research and development work in order to bring about the creation of new and innovative products, services and processes. Grants are awarded to projects that do not receive any other financial support due to their risky nature. The SME Instrument Horizon 2020, which was introduced in 2014, has a total amount of around 80 billion euros available for funding such research and development projects over its seven-year term.

PXIO receives KMU Instrument Horizont 2020 funding for innovative software infrastructure

With its basic technology „Display as a Service“ (DaaS), the company PXIO has won numerous renowned prizes, such as the CEBIT Innovation Award 2013. Now PXIO has succeeded in submitting a successful SME instrument Horizon 2020 application with its highly innovative software infrastructure product. Despite strong competition, PXIO succeeded in convincing both itself and its own product – a total of 2755 applications were submitted in this funding round, of which only 9.9% were successful. With the help of the KMU Instrument Horizon 2020 funding, PXIO is able to realize the idea of wireless pixel transport. This does not only mean more freedom of movement for pixels, but will revolutionize screen transmission between different sources and end devices from the ground up.

Procedure and conditions of an SME instrument Horizon 2020 SME support

To be eligible for funding under the SME instrument Horizon 2020 SME instrument SME, the applicant company must first meet the SME criteria of the European Union (EU). The Horizont 2020 SME Instrument funding programme itself is divided into three phases.

Phase 1 includes the writing of a feasibility study from the research results. EU grants of up to 50,000 euros can be obtained for this. The duration is usually six months. Phase 2, on the other hand, is concerned with preparing the market entry of existing prototypes, which is supported with a grant of between 500,000 and 2.5 million euros. In this case, the duration is at least one and at most two years. The submission of a detailed business plan is required. Within the framework of Phase 1 and Phase 2, participation in voluntary coaching is also possible. Phase 3 finally deals with the marketing of the product resulting from the previous phases. Companies do not receive direct funding here, but support in the form of easier access to financial instruments and coaching.


Ignite Group – DR. RUPP CONSULTING GmbH is a management consultancy operating nationwide with clients from all industrial sectors, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Ignite Group has more than 20 years of experience in technology and innovation promotion and has been supporting many clients for several years. The service includes support for all programs at state, federal and EU level. In addition to the SME instrument Horizon 2020, supported funding programs include the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM), KMU-innovativ, ERDF, the GRW investment grant and go-innovativ (go-inno). Ignite Group is authorized by the Federal Ministry of Economics to issue consulting vouchers of up to 27,500 euros for the go-inno support program. Ignite Group is also certified by TÜV Süd to ISO 9001 and is a member of the Offensive Mittelstand and the Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW).

So far, a total of four SME instrument Horizon 2020 applications have been approved at state level. Besides PXIO, Ignite Group was allowed to support two other successful Saarland companies in the application process. With the support of Ignite Group, the second SME Instrument Horizon 2020 application from Saarland was approved within a short period of time, in addition to the successful application from Okinlab. Thus 75% of all approved Saarland SME Instrument Horizon 2020 applications were accompanied by Ignite Group. The success rate for SME Instrument Horizon 2020 Phase 1 applications by Ignite Group is 100%. More information on the approved SME Instrument Horizon 2020 applications in the respective regions can be found here.

Further details on the SME support programme SME Instrument Horizon 2020

Further information on the SME Instrument Horizon 2020 funding programme can be found under this link.

Contact and press

Contact: Dr. Jörg Rupp

Ignite Group

Ernst-Heckel-Straße 6A, 66386 St. Ingbert

Telefon: +49 6894 999 56 0

Fax: +49 3222 17 39 475

E-Mail: [email protected]


PXIO receives approval for KMU Instrument Horizon 2020 project – download (german)