Submitting an energy- or environmentally-saving solution as a subsidizable product?

When developing new products, various development grants can be utilized, such as the Promotion of Research and Development Act (WBSO) and the SME Innovation Stimulation Top Sectors (MIT). When a product is ready for market, buyers of an energy- or environmentally-saving product may be eligible for (fiscal) grants such as the Energy Investment Allowance (EIA), the Environmental Investment Allowance (MIA), and the Investment Grant for Sustainable Energy and Energy Saving (ISDE grant). The selling party can facilitate this by submitting a proposal to have the product included in the Energy List, the Environmental List, and/or the ISDE List. In this proposal, the energy/environmental savings and the payback period of the product must be detailed in comparison to what is standard in the market.

Your product on the Energy List for the EIA?

The Energy Investment Allowance (EIA) is a tax scheme for entrepreneurs who invest in energy-saving assets and technologies. EIA can be requested for various investments in company buildings, processes, means of transport, sustainable energy, energy balancing, energy transition and advice on this.

Various asset codes are included in the annually established Energy List, each specifying the EIA conditions per asset. As a seller of an energy-saving product, you can submit a proposal for inclusion on the Energy List. We can advise on this or submit the full proposal.

Your environmentally-friendly product on the Environmental List for Environmental Investment Allowance (MIA) and Accelerated Depreciation (Vamil)?

The Environmental Investment Allowance (MIA) is a tax scheme for entrepreneurs who invest in environmentally friendly assets or environmentally saving techniques. The Random depreciation of environmental investments (Vamil) offers an additional tax advantage because a large number of these assets and technologies can be depreciated arbitrarily. MIA and/or Vamil can be applied for various investments that result in reducing or replacing raw material consumption, water usage, or emissions in the built environment, processes, or mobility.

For this purpose, various asset codes are included in the annually established Environmental List, each specifying the MIA and Vamil conditions per asset. As a seller of an environmentally-friendly product, you can submit a proposal for inclusion on the Environmental List for MIA and Vamil. We can advise on this or submit the full proposal.

Your energy-saving product on the ISDE List for Investment Grant for Sustainable Energy (ISDE grant)?

The Investment Subsidy for Sustainable Energy and Energy Saving (ISDE) is a grant scheme for entrepreneurs (and individuals) who invest in energy-saving assets. Entrepreneurs can apply for ISDE grant on investments in heat pumps, solar panels, solar water heaters, and small-scale wind turbines. For individuals, ISDE grant is available for heat pumps, insulation measures, solar water heaters, connections to a district heating network, and electric cooking appliances. For solar panels and small-scale wind turbines for entrepreneurs, as well as for connection to a district heating network and electric cooking appliances for individuals, specific requirements are set that each of these products must meet.

For heat pumps, solar water heaters, insulation materials, and high-efficiency glass, various eligible products are included in continuously updated ISDE lists. As a seller of an energy-saving product or material, you can continuously submit a proposal for the relevant list of the ISDE grant. We can advise on this or submit the full proposal.