Roelof is the Business Automation & Technology Manager at Ignite Group, specializing in innovation funding within the IT sector. He has extensive experience in setting up (subsidy) projects, developing grant applications, and organizing subsidy administration in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Responsible for Major IT Companies

Roelof holds a Master’s degree in Public Management (2009) from the University of Twente and a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration and Government Management (2006) from Saxion University of Applied Sciences. At Ignite Group, he is responsible for major IT enterprises such as Avanade, HCL, Compugroup Medical, and Topic Embedded Systems. For these and other clients, Roelof has leveraged his expertise to secure funding through European, national, and regional schemes.

With many years of experience as a subsidy consultant for various advisory firms and a broad range of schemes, projects, and organizations, Roelof is well-versed in the world of subsidies.

Roelof van der Klaauw

Business Automation & Technology Manager