Sabine is an experienced and entrepreneurial consultant with a broad range of interests. She leads a team of expert consultants specializing in policy advice, grant consultancy, and project and program management for public organizations.

She is a team leader at Ignite Group and serves as the program manager for Human Capital at the Province of Overijssel.

Enthusiastic, flexible, analytical, and a team player are words that excellently define her character and working style. Sabine is currently the program manager for the Human Capital Agenda of the Province of Overijssel. Through the Human Capital Agenda, she collaborates with knowledge institutions and companies to address labor market mismatches.

In this role, Sabine develops various grant schemes for the province and evaluates grant applications. Additionally, she has experience with several grant schemes, including POP, ERDF, Interreg, RIF, ESF, and provincial regulations.

Sabine has many years of experience as a consultant within the fields of policy advice, program and project management, and (European) grant support for provinces, municipalities, educational institutions, social organizations, partnerships, and companies.

Sabine ter Haar – Storm

Team leader Public Noord