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Ignite Group has received two certificates and one recognition. Ignite Group has been recognized with an EAIC Membership Certificate for successful experience in applying for European grants, received the ISO-9001 certificate from DEKRA on March 15, 2023 for a high-quality quality system and is recognized as a Training Company by the ELBHO Foundation, which guarantees the quality of (graduate) internships in higher education.

EAIC Membership

Ignite Group has received the EAIC Membership Certificate from ‘Europe’. This certificate acknowledges successful experience in applying for European grants. It confirms expertise and enables effective support for clients in obtaining European funding.

ISO-9001 certificate from DEKRA

Ignite Group received the ISO-9001 certificate from the testing and certification company DEKRA on March 15, 2023. This indicates that Ignite Group meets the requirements of NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015 (NL).

ISO-9001 certification is a standard for the quality management system implemented by an organization. The ISO-9001 standard is designed to help organizations improve their business processes and increase customer satisfaction. ISO-9001 ensures that an organization controls its processes, manages risks, and thereby delivers a certain quality to its customers.

Ignite Group is pleased to receive this certification, as it confirms the importance placed on service quality and prioritizing customer satisfaction. ISO-9001 has also provided Ignite Group with deeper insights into work processes and associated risks. By mapping out the risks, critical points can be monitored and improved, ensuring continuous enhancement of the quality management system and meeting customer needs.

The certification was carried out by DEKRA, one of the largest testing and certification bodies in the world. The certificate issued by DEKRA demonstrates that Ignite Group’s work processes meet high-quality standards. DEKRA has extensive expertise in auditing and certifying management systems in the fields of quality, safety, sustainability, and information security.

Recognized Learning Company

Ignite Group has been recognized by the independent organization Stichting ELBHO as a training company for programs in the fields of Associate Degree, Bachelor, and Master’s degrees in higher education (hbo/wo). This ensures the quality of internships (including graduation internships) in higher education at Ignite Group. During the qualitative assessment, Ignite Group has met criteria such as organizational size, number of internship supervisors, availability of internship positions, and facilities.